在 使用 IntelliJ IDEA 创建maven web 项目的时候,生成的时候,非常慢, 可以通过在如下设置解决:
这里在Properties中添加一个参数 archetypeCatalog=internal
archetypeCatalog 表示创建项目的时候,从哪里获取项目模板, 值有 :
- internal to use the internal catalog only.
- local to use the local catalog only.
- remote to use the maven's remote catalog. No catalog is currently provided.
- file://path/to/archetype-catalog.xml to use a specific local catalog. When the catalog file is named archetype-catalog.xml, it can be omitted.
- http://url/to/archetype-catalog.xml to use a specific remote catalog. When the catalog file is named archetype-catalog.xml, it can be omitted.